Donna Shea, Instructor, et all
Philip Fournier
August 28, 2005
Subject: WR7:
Americans with Disabilities Act and its impact on Adult Education
The difficulty in
the legislation is the ambiguity in the words “equal access.” The interpretation of that has fallen on the
shoulders of school administrators and by extension, ourselves
as educators. In reading through the
CSUSB website, I am impressed that CUSUB wants to go beyond the letter of the
law in providing “equal access.” The law
seems mainly concerned with physical barriers for the blind, deaf, wheel chair
bound, and so forth. The university
seems genuinely interested in attracting disabled students to the campus
because of its “above and beyond” approach to disabilities. As an example, in searching through the
I notice an
interesting discrepancy, or what I would consider to be a discrepancy, between
It’s the last one that to me seems to be
stronger than the school’s policy, which requires much more than simply being
regarded as having impairment. I make
the point because of what happened in one of my own classes. I had a student with a 90% hearing loss. He was a lip-reader. If you have ever lectured to a lip-reader,
believe me, it takes special concentration not to speak while writing on the white
board or when looking away from the student in question. In any case, I often use video training
materials because they help demonstrate procedures for which we do not have the
equipment and because they offer an alternate voice in the classroom to my
own. The SSD department offers closed
captioning of video tapes to instructors but only if the student with the
disability presents himself at the office with his medical certification
obtained within a certain time period.
My frustration was the attitude of the SSD department towards a student
so obviously deaf. His speech was such
that it was very easy to ascertain that he could not hear. Because he did not have a current medical
certificate of his deafness, they would not accommodate him or me as far as
help with the video tapes. I simply had
to choose between giving them up as an instructional aid, or
leaving him out altogether when showing video tapes. I gave up the tapes and so the whole class
paid the price to a certain extent.
It was indeed the student’s responsibility
to get the medical certification, but this particular student was working full
time and getting to a doctor was a struggle for him. It is not unreasonable to ask the disabled
student to bare the burden of proof. But
when it is abundantly obvious, it is tragic that there is no flexibility to
waive a rule that should not apply in such a case.
It is interesting to see that the University
has made some good rules about how far it is going to go with aids such as
interpreters and note-takers. The
university and the instructor are not required to wait indefinitely for a
student to show up to class. After 20
minutes after the class begins, the interpreter is free to leave. The student is required to advise of such
absences in advance. Accommodation in
test-taking should never give the disabled student an unfair advantage over the
non-disabled. Students with mobility
problems have access to the use of the school’s electric cart. But it waits only five minutes for them to
show up, not indefinitely. The goal is
“equal access.” It was not designed to
be an affirmative action program.
The most helpful thing I found for myself as
an instructor was the etiquette tips.
These two I found particularly insightful:
Don't "talk down". Avoid responding to
persons with disabilities out of "gratefulness" for not having the
disability yourself.
Be considerate. It might take extra time for the
person with a disability to say or do things. All disabilities are not readily
I have
had very few disabled persons in my classes over the years, my profession and
line of instruction not lending itself well to people with disabilities. But I can appreciate the usefulness of
understanding the requirements of the law, as well as the requirements of
common decency towards individuals who might have those physiological and
mental barriers that would limit their academic success.