To: Donna Shea, Instructor
From: Philip Fournier
Date: Monday, September 27, 2004
Subject: CA1 Memo of Intent
I am currently enrolled in EVOC519, having paid all my fees due for this
quarter, and have been assigned a student number and a student ID card.
I am selecting a hybrid option of distance learning and traditional classroom. Specifically, there are just a few areas in which my computer skills are lacking. Those areas would include the use of graphics (week 2, a class I plan on attending) and the publishing of a web page. I will be using my Dell laptop computer, and possibly the computers on campus to complete my work. I will generate my work using Microsoft Office XP. I will generate my Web page using Microsoft Front Page which I hope to purchase at the $5 software store mentioned in the first class session. In truth, I enjoy school and would like to come to class as much as possible, but living 50 miles from the school and running my own business, plus teaching makes time considerations of consequence. My overall goal is to attain the BE degree and I am excited about finally getting on track to follow this goal after years of delay.
As has been consistent with my life’s course, I will aspire to achieve an “A” grade by completing all assignments with perfect scores and on time.
Subject: P1 Personal Information