FROM: Phil Fournier
DATE: 10/25/2004
RE: Quiz #3, Distance learning option
1 - Why is it
important for instructors to determine if mandated skills exist for courses
they are asked to teach? Explain how you would decide what to teach in a course
for which there were no mandated skills.
Mandated skills are those for which either the
school, the government (as in some kind of a licensing or certification
program), or some other institution has decided that certain skills MUST be
taught in that particular course. An
instructor preparing a course plan will want to contact the department head
responsible for the course and ask if there are mandated skills in order to make
sure those skills become a part of the plan.
If there are no mandated skills, then feedback from an advisory
committee, or possibly information from the instructor’s own personal
experience will determine what skills are taught during the course. The skills taught should be appropriate the
job skills required by the position that the graduating student would hope to
obtain. The DOT list MIGHT be a help,
but due to its inaccuracies, the instructor should check with an alternate
2 - Why are verbs
so important when writing student performance objectives? Provide examples of
good verbs and examples of bad verbs. Explain why the good verbs are good and
why the bad verbs are bad.
Good verbs: Identify, list, demonstrate, describe,
assemble, select. These are good verbs
because they are measurable. Test
questions can be written or a performance test can be done to demonstrate
Bad verbs: Learn, understand, know, appreciate. These
verbs are NOT measurable by any standard and therefore competency in these
things cannot be evaluated.
3 - What is the
difference between a course outline and a course plan? Provide a brief example
of a course outline for a course that you could teach.
A course outline is a short document that lists,
preferably in sequential order, the units in a particular course. A course plan is a much more complete
document, a virtually every that is planned for a particular course will be
listed in the course plan. The e-text
for this course is an example of a comprehensive course plan.
Sample Course Outline for Automotive Air
Conditioning Course:
overview for Automotive Air Conditioning:
Automotive Air
Conditioning is a course designed to acquaint students with the basic
principles of mobile air conditioning systems, their theory and their
operation. The history, theory, and principles of operation will be
taught. This is a 102 hour course that
covers 10 different study units and meets for 3 hours, twice a week for 16
weeks. The following units are typical of the units in this course:
Study unit one: Course overview, grading requirements, and attendance
expectations, history of air conditioning.
This 3-hour unit of study is designed to be delivered during the first, 3-hour
class session. Students will provide information about their individual
backgrounds and the instructor will review all course topics, assignments and
other course requirements, and will give a short lecture on air conditioning
history in mobile applications. This unit includes 1 individual lesson plan. At
the conclusion of this unit all students should be able to identify everything
that they must do in order to earn a passing grade in this course.
Study unit two: Air Conditioning theory and principles of operations
This 24-hour unit of study is designed to be delivered during the eight 3-hour
sessions following the unit one. The instructor will provide specific
information about the operation, components, specifications, and testing theory
applicable to R12 and R134a systems. This unit includes 6 individual lesson
plans. At the conclusion of this unit all students should be able to identify the
components of the air conditioning systems, describe in an essay the theory of
operation, and answers questions regarding the testing theory behind a/c
Study unit three: Lab, pressure testing, temperature differential testing,
component removal, inspection, and replacement.
This 76 hour unit of study is designed to be delivered during the 12 class
sessions following unit two. The
instructor will conduct guided practice and demonstration of pressure testing,
temperature differential testing, inspection, and installation. The students will conduct directed discovery
in the use of pressure gauges, temperature gauges, air conditioning evacuation
and recycling equipment, and the safe handling of refrigerant. At the completion of this unit, the student
should be able to demonstrate competency in the evacuation, recharge,
troubleshooting, and component installation of mobile air conditioning systems.
4 - What are the
three most important things to consider when developing student activities?
Explain why.
While there are a number of things to be considered
during the development of student activities, the three most important things
are the following: