EVOC 501 Ron Pendleton
FROM: Phil Fournier
DATE: 10/17/2004
501- Quiz 2, Distance Learning Option
1 - How many pages
should each lesson plan prepared for the EVOC 501 LP assignments be? Name the five parts required for each lesson plan and,
in your own words, briefly explain what constitutes each part.
This lesson plans should be one page
only. The five parts of the lesson plan
are as follows:
- The type of lesson, the title of the lesson and its estimated time
of completion. The lesson type
might be lecture (talking head), demonstration (show the student’s
something, very useful in my field) , or directed
discovery (the students do it themselves, following specific instructions,
something we call lab activities). The lesson title is of course what it
is about, and the estimated time will help the instructor budget time
efficiently, since it is a limited commodity.
- The student performance objective, probably the most important part
of the lesson plan, defines what the student will be able to do as a
result of the lesson.
- The equipment and materials required for the lesson. Includes what the instructor needs and
what the students might need as well.
- What the instructor will do during the lesson to facilitate
learning. This would include the
anticipatory set, exciting the students interest
and defining what the students will be able to do as a result of the
instruction. From there the
instructor presents material and looks for affirmation of student
understanding, then does guided and independent practice, rechecks for
understanding, and reemphasizes en conclusion.
- Evaluation: How will the students be evaluated? The lesson plan needs to indicate if the
student will be evaluated by test question, or performance objective.
Question 2 - What are the four parts of a Student Performance
Objective? Name the four parts and, in your own words explain what each part
- The first part is the Condition which always starts with the word
“given” and then is followed by what is given in the way of information or
- Person, which in the case of teaching is always the student or each
- Performance is the indication in clear and specific terms of what
the student should be able to do, using words that are measurable by some
- Criteria indicates how well the student is expected to be able to do the task,
typically either correctly or with 100% accuracy.
Question 3 - What are the three domains of learning postulated
by Maslow? Briefly explain each one.
- Cognitive domain: Domain is
one of those non-intuitive words that I don’t like, but, here goes. The cognitive domain is what we
typically think of as learning. It
is knowledge of facts, concepts, and information and the ability to
analyze and draw conclusions from those facts. The lecture form of teaching addresses
cognitive learning.
- Psychomotor domain: This one
is learning through doing, something we commonly do in vocational
education, particularly automotive.
Almost all of our classes have a “lab” section which involves
hands-on learning through the psychomotor domain.
- Affective domain: This one
is hard to conceptualize and hard to measure in the form of teaching, but
a good example would be a student’s use of safety glasses, because he/she
has learned that to do so may save eyes and makes good sense. It also would include emotional skills
such as interacting positively with other students. Verbal Judo would rest largely in the
Affective domain.
Question 4 - Which of the Communication Skills listed are you
best at? Which do you most need to work on? Explain how you have improved
and/or how you plan to improve any one of skills listed.
- I think my strongest characteristic is enthusiasm for my subject
matter. Because I love what I do
and love teaching it, it wasn’t really very necessary for me to “learn”
enthusiasm. It came naturally. One of the skills that I believe I have
learned and improved is encouraging student’s verbal participation. I have learned how to ask questions,
and even when I get an answer that may be mostly wrong, I can pick out of
the answer something that is correct and use it to build understanding
without intimidation. Humility
seems to be the key to success in removing student’s fears of participation.
- This is not in the list of communication skills, but I told (by my
wife and others) that
I have a problem with strange facial expressions and I think
it hinders my ability to communicate somewhat. I’m not exactly sure how to control it
but the video taping may be a help to make me more aware of my face.