MSJC class AuMe135 ASE
certification preparation Course Syllabus and Outline
Instructor: Philip Fournier Instructor e-mail:
Website: phone: 951-927-2102
Course number: 1736
Course Title: AuMe 135 ASE Certification
What is ASE certification preparation all
ASE certification
is a class designed to assist professional automotive technicians in preparing
for the basic eight certification tests and the L1 advanced engine performance
test (time permitting). The course will
be composed of studying test questions, reviewing instructional videos, and answering
test questions. The course is not
designed to give in-depth instruction in any particular area of the vehicle. It should not be considered as a substitute
for any of the courses designed to teach in-depth knowledge about subject
What career pathways are possible with ASE
certification preparation?
This course is an
entry-level course which an automotive technician should find helpful in
passing the eight basic level tests offered by the National Institute for
Automotive Service Institute. An entry
level technician may find salary advancement opportunities by passing ASE
tests, as many employers give financial incentives to technicians for passing
the tests.
What will students learn in Automotive
Engine Performance?
1. Information about base engine systems. See task list for A1 engine repair test.
2. Information about Automatic
Transmissions. See task list for A2 Auto
3. Information about Manual Transmissions and
Drive Axles. See task list for
4. Information about Suspension and Steering. See task list for A4 Suspension and Steering.
5. Information about Brake systems. See task list for A5 Brakes.
6. Information about Electrical and Electronic
systems. See task list for A6
7. Information about Heating and Air
Conditioning. See task list for A7
Heating and Air Conditioning.
8. Information about Engine Performance. See task list for A8 Engine Performance.
What is the required text for ASE
Certification Preparation?
Guide to the Automobile Certification
Examination by James G.
Hughes, 6th Edition, Pearson Publishing. (Available from the book store. Also available online from in new
and used.)
What is the schedule of instruction for ASE
certification preparation?
Schedule of
Instruction, AuMe135, ASE certification preparation
January 27th
Introduction, sample questions
Assignment for following week: Read task
lists on engine repair; answer questions 1 through 25..
February 3rd
A1 Engine Repair. Video Tape, Aspire. Cover homework questions 1-25
Assignment for following week: Answer
questions 50-75.
February 10th
A1 Engine Repair continued. Quiz on
Engine Repair
Assignment for following week: Read task
lists relating to Steering/Suspension; answer questions 1-25.
February 17th President’s day
holiday, no class
February 24th
Steering and Suspension. Video Tape, Aspire. Cover homework questions 1-25.
Assignment for following week: Answer
questions 100-125 .
March 3rd
A4 Steering and Suspension continued.
Cover homework questions 100-125. Quiz
on A4
Assignment for following week: Read task
list relating to Brake systems; answer questions 1-25
March 10th
A5 Brakes. Video Tape, Aspire. Cover
homework questions 1-25
Assignment for following week: Answer
questions 55-80.
March 17th
A5 Brakes continued. Cover questions
55-80. Quiz on A5
Assignment for following week: Read task
lists on Electrical; answer questions 25-50.
March 24th
A6 Electrical/Electronic systems. Powerpoint
Presentation on the operation of a relay. Cover homework 25-50.
Assignment for following week: Answer
questions 110-135
March 31st
A6 Electrical/Electronic systems
continued. Cover homework questions 110-135.
Quiz on A6
Assignment for following week: Read task list relating to Air
Conditioning; answer questions 1-25
April 7th
Spring Break, no class
April 14th
A7 Heating and Air Conditioning. Video Tape, Aspire. Cover homework 1-25.
Assignment for following week: Answer
questions 91-116
April 21st
A7 Heating and Air Conditioning
continued. Cover questions 91-116. Quiz
on A7
Assignment for following week: Read task
list on Engine Performance; answer questions 150-175
April 28th
A8 Engine Performance. Engine
Performance Powerpoint. Cover homework
150-175 (note: There are no questions regarding carburetors left on the ASE A8
test. Ignore any questions relating to
Assignment for following week: Answer
questions 1-24 beginning on page 326.
May 5th A8 Engine Performance continued. Cover homework pages 1-24. Quiz on A8
Assignment for following week: Read task
list relating to auto trans; answer questions1-25.
May 12th
A2 Automatic Transmissions. Video Tape,
Aspire. Cover homework 1-25
Assignment for following week: Read task
list relating to Manual transmissions; answer questions 75-105
May 19th
A3 Manual Transmissions. Video Tape, Aspire. Cover homework 75-105 No
homework assignment for this week.
May 26th
Final exam.
How are the students accepted into the
enroll in the AuMe135 class during regular semester registration hours at
admissions and enrollment services. If
there are seats left in the class as of the first day of the semester, students
may add the class on the first meeting only.
While being a professional technician is recommended, it is not required
as a prerequisite. New students will be
required to take the college English and Math preadmission testing.
What do students need to know about
classroom operations?
Overall Grade for the Course
Of the 100
points that are possible, grades will be awarded as follows:
to 100 points earns an "A" grade
80 to 89 points
earns a "B" grade.
70 to 79 points
earns a "C" grade.
60 to 69 points
earns a "D" grade.
Below 59 points
earns an "F" grade.
Make ups: There will be no make ups.
is the Assertive Discipline plan?
This is a college class. All students are here as a result of
selecting the course of their own free will and no one is required to stay in
the class. As a consequence of this,
adult behavior is both expected and demanded.
Lest there be any confusion as to what this means, the following rules are set forth:
will be shown to fellow students and the professor at all times. This includes not talking during lectures
unless called upon to answer a question, or by raising a hand to ask a
phones result in unacceptable class interruptions. Cell phones may be used on breaks, but must
be shut off during lecture and lab time.
and tobacco chewing is not permitted in the classroom or in the lab per state
law. Smoking may occur in the designated
areas on break time.
calling and similar immature behavior will not be tolerated.
policy discourages food in the classroom for hygiene reasons. However, this instructor realizes that many
of the students are also holding down jobs and time for eating can be hard to
find. Food and drink may be consumed in
the classroom prior to the start of class provided it is not carried into the