Evoc 518 WR3


Point System for Evaluation Students of Automotive Engine Performance


Introduction: Students enrolled in AuMe135 (Automotive Engine Performance Level 1) will be evaluated in three ways as follows: 1) Quizzes and tests, composed of both multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and essay questions; 2) Lab exercises to demonstrate competencies in specific engine performance diagnostic and repair procedures; 3) Special project, of the student’s choosing, optionally to be presented to the class during the last two class sessions.


Quizzes and Tests: Ten short quizzes worth 5 points each (50 points total) will be given during the seventeen week period.  Quizzes will be reviewed and scored immediately after taking them and correct answers will be provided.  A final exam worth 10 points will be given during the finals week.  All questions on the final exam will come from questions already given in the quizzes, so everyone should be able to get a perfect score on the final exam.


Lab projects: Eight lab exercises worth 5 points each (40 points total) will be completed during the semester.   Lab exercises will be scored as follows:

5 points: Student has demonstrated competency in the lab exercise.  Worksheet was filled out completely and turned in on time.  Results indicated on the worksheet are appropriate for the exercise.  Student has documented on worksheet his/her findings and the skills acquired as a result of the exercise.

4 points: Student has demonstrated competency in the lab exercise.  Worksheet was filled out completely and turned in on time.  Results indicated on the worksheet are appropriate for the exercise.

3 points: Student has demonstrated competency in the lab exercise but worksheet was not filled out, or if filled out was not turned in.

2 points: Student has observed someone else demonstrate the lab exercise and has filled out a worksheet.  (Please note: Observation is useful, but is worth less credit because doing an exercise is a better learning experience than watching someone else do it.)


Special Project:  If the student desires an “A” grade, a special project will be required.  The goal is to encourage all students with a desire to learn more to extend themselves beyond the course requirements for a passing grade.  The instructor will be happy to provide examples of projects completed by other students, but the projects should generally speaking be original with the student.  A wide variety of special projects will be acceptable, as long as they fall within the subject of engine performance.  Full credit (10 points) will be given if the student completes the project and provides a written report to the instructor describing the competency that has been gained through completion of the project.  An optional 5 bonus points are available if the student does a 5-10 minute presentation to the class of what he/she learned as a result of the project.

Overall Grade for the Course 

Of the 100 points that are possible, grades will be awarded as follows:

90 to 100 points earns an "A" grade (requires completion of special project. Regardless of points earned, no “A” will be given without a special project.)

80 to 89 points earns a "B" grade.

70 to 79 points earns a "C" grade.

60 to 69 points earns a "D" grade.

Below 59 points earns an "F" grade.

Make ups: All lab exercises may be made up, provided make ups are completed before the 15th week of the course.  Quizzes may be made up but only on the class session immediately following the missed quiz.  The final exam may not be made up.