TO: Dr. Ron Pendleton
FROM: Phil Fournier
Quiz #4, Distance learning option


Question 1 - Why are true-false test questions poor indicators of student knowledge? Provide an example of a true-false question followed by an example of how that question might be written in another format to better measure student knowledge.

A student has a 50% chance of getting the T/F question right even without any knowledge of the correct answer.

Example:  R12 (Freon) refrigerant was discontinued in mobile air conditioning in 1993.  True or False.

This question would be more valid if expressed as a fill-in-the-blank this way:

R12 (Freon) refrigerant was discontinued in mobile air conditioning in the year ______.



Question 2 - What three strategies (from the grading strategies listed) do you believe to be most effective? Explain why in the context of the circumstances under which you teach or expect to teach.

In my own teaching I have used the point system to assign letter grades, as I have no choice but to assign letter grades.  This works reasonably well but I have had trouble weighting different assignments in a comparative fashion.  Given a choice, in the context of vocational education and automotive in specific, I think a pass/no pass system would work well.  What the student gets out of the education (assuming I give the process my best effort) is what they put into it.  My job could focus more on making sure the students have the opportunity to learn all the competencies possible within the time frame of the class, instead of fussing over the grade and the grading process, which consumes too much of my time.  I think the idea of multiple indicators is a good one.  In future classes I think shorter quizzes given more often would do a better job of measuring competency, while reducing student stress.


Question 3 - How does constructive criticism differ from conventional criticism? Provide an example of each and indicate why constructive criticism is better.

Constructive criticism makes suggestions how one can do better, while conventional criticism only states what is wrong. 

Example of conventional criticism:  You failed to follow the instructions given by the instructor in the homework assignment.

Constructive criticism:  I suggest you correct the statement in step two to match the instructions given in step one.


Question 4 - What quarter will you be "officially enrolled" in the EVOC 501 course and what do you need to do to accomplish that? Please indicate if you are (or will be) enrolling as "EVOC Only" or as part of a graduate or undergraduate degree program.

I am currently enrolled in 501 as part of an undergraduate degree program.