TO: Dr. Ron Pendleton
FROM: Phil Fournier
RE: FA7 vocabulary list

1.     e-mailMail that is sent electronically through the internet

2.     html - Short for Hyper Text Markup Language, the authoring language used to create documents on the World Wide Web.

  1. http - Short for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, the underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web. HTTP defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands.
  2. ISPInternet Service provider which would be a company such as AOL or Verizon that provides access to the internet, typically for a monthly fee.
  3. Search EngineA software tool, like Yahoo, Google, Dogpile, and so forth that uses special software to search through millions of web sites in search of a specific criteria defined by the searcher.
  4. URLUniversal resource locater, technically a global address to a web site.
  5. Web BrowserSoftware for browsing the internet that insure web pages are readable.  Bill Gates’ product is IE, but other options exist such as Mozilla and Netscape.  Unfortunately, many companies have sites that won’t function outside of Internet Explorer.
  6. Web PageA document on the World Wide Web.  Every web page has a URL.
  7. Web Site - A site (location) on the World Wide Web. Each Web site generally contains a home page, which is the first page users see when they enter the site. The site might also contain additional documents and files. Each site is owned and managed by an individual, company or organization.

10. WWW – World Wide Web, a system of internet servers that support documents written in HTML code.


Educational Terminology - Terms important for EVOC 501 Scholars in order to facilitate clear communication between all parties to the learning process. Look for these words on the E-TEXT pages that have information about EVOC 501 assignments and related materials.

  1. Affective - Learning domain in which learning occurs based on attitudes, feelings and values.  One of Abraham Maslow’s three domains; others are Cognitive and Psychomotor. 
  2. Anticipatory Set - What the instructor says/does at the beginning of a lesson to focus student attention on what is about to happen.
  3. Bibliographic FormatAccepted standards in English for listing the sources of information in a writing assignment.  The APA Manual of Style is often used at the university level to standardize listings.
  4. Cognitive - Learning domain in which learning occurs based on thinking (intellectual processes). One of three domains postulated by Abraham Maslow.  The others are the affective and the psychomotor domains.
  5. CompetencyA specific skill or useful knowledge that a student gains as a result of effective teaching.
  6. Constructive Criticism - Words spoken or written, addressed to a particular person, that suggest a specific way in which that person might do something better.  As with positive reinforcement, it is very important that the focus is on a specific suggestion.
  7. CostumeThe way a person dresses conveys information about that person to others; so the way that a teacher dresses (his/her costume), should convey professionalism and lend credibility to the role of instructor.
  8. Demonstration - An instructional method where the instructor shows students how to do a specific task. This works best if students are given a handout that illustrates a step-by-step process that they can follow after seeing the demonstration.

9.           Directed Discovery - An instructional method where students are led, hands-on, step-by-step, through a specific process. Much of the directed discovery process involves learning in the psychomotor domain (students get to do things with their hands as well as their heads).

10.      Distance Learning - A method of meeting specific EVOC 501 course requirements through accessing materials posted in the EVOC 501 E-TEXT, posting materials on one's own web site and communicating with the course instructor via e-mail.  Saves on fuel costs, but the loss of interpersonal communication should not be underestimated!

11.      Equipment - Reusable items needed for the accomplishment of student performance objectives. Chairs, tables, computers and other tools are all examples of equipment.

12.      Evaluation - A process that involves testing or critical observation to determine if a student is able to accomplish the specific performance stated in a student performance objective.

13.      Facilitator - To facilitate means helping someone to help themselves. Teachers need to provide information, tools, materials and encouragement that students need in order to accomplish specific objectives. Additionally, they need to motivate the students to become interested and involved in their own education.

14.            Handout - A document prepared by the instructor with information that is specifically designed to help students complete a particular task.

15.            HumorAn important tool to gain student’s interest and attention while lowering the level of tension, while avoiding insensitive and offensive remarks.

16.            IdentifyOne of the acceptable “magic” words used to define performance objectives, since this is a measurable skill.

17.      Instructor's Scoresheet - A one-page document that indicates the specific criteria indicated for each assignment and the number of points that can be earned by meeting those criteria (one point for each criterion).

18.      IntegrityTo act with honesty and assume responsibility for one’s actions.  This is of great importance for anyone involved in education.

19.      Lecture - An instructional method where the instructor presents information to students by telling it to them.  This is largely a cognitive process.

20.      Lesson Plan - A one page (only) document that indicates what the instructor will do to help students meet a specific performance objective.

21.      Mandated Skills - Mandated skills are skills specified by a state agency or by the institution that offers the course. Such skills should be stated more specifically than instructional goals and are documented as written statements that should be maintained in the files of the institution that is offering the course.

22.      Materials - Expendable items needed for the accomplishment of student performance objectives. Paper and anything that is used up (such as wood when making a project in a wood shop) are examples of materials.

23.      Motivational - Behavior of an instructor that stimulates student interest in what the student needs to learn.  Without this, students become warm bodies sitting in seats.

24.      Performance TestA method of evaluation that requires a student to perform a specific task that he/she has hopefully learned as a result of instruction.

25.      Positive Reinforcement - Words spoken or written, addressed to a particular person, that accurately praise something that the person has done well.  The words should be specific as to what was done well.

26.      Professionalism - Acting consistently in a manner that inspires the confidence and respect of others and exemplifies integrity.

27.      Psychomotor - Learning domain in which learning occurs based on physical movement. One of three learning domains postulated by Abraham Maslow, the other two being Cognitive, and Affective.

28.      Scholar - A person who earns respect from others through meritorious conduct and by working with dedication to accumulate valuable knowledge through study in an academic environment.

29.      Student Performance Objective - A concise statement that indicates exactly what a student should be able to do as the result of a specific period of instruction.

30.      Teaching Credential - A document which verifies that the person named thereon has met specific requirements, mandated by the state to qualify as a teacher.

31.      Written Test - Written tests are an evaluation method, which are focused primarily in the cognitive domain, and should be used to determine how well students are able to recognize, recall and/or apply the specific information based on student performance objectives.

Guiding Principles - Important in all civilized cultures regardless of political leanings race, gender, or religious convictions!

Adapted from Willard Daggett - . Follow this link to the "Guiding Principles" page on the Daggett Web Site and use the definitions you find there. Please rearrange these twelve principles into the order of importance that best reflects your own beliefs.

Dr. Ron, if I could just insert this thought into what I have arranged below:  It is very difficult to give a lower importance to something like initiative.  The order of importance depends on the context in which these character traits are being applied.  As an employer, I look for and praise my employees when they take initiative because it is so important to me to not have to spell out every little thing they should do.  So putting it down at #9 is difficult, and how can I possibly stick trustworthiness in last place when I put honesty in 3rd place?  But, having to make an arrangement in order of importance for 12 outstanding and admirable character traits, this is the best I can do.


1.            Responsibility - Accountability. To consider oneself answerable for something. To demonstrate that you consider yourself to be accountable for your actions and that you follow through on your commitments.

2.            Compassion - Kindness. The desire to help others in distress. To show kindness and concern for others in distress by offering help whenever possible.

3.           Honesty - Truthfulness, sincerity. The act or condition of never deceiving, stealing, or taking advantage of the trust of others. To be truthful in all that you do and never deceive, steal, or take advantage of the trust of others.

4.            Loyalty - Faithfulness, dependability. The quality of being faithful to another person in the performance of duty; adhering to a contract with another person. To show others that you are dependable when you have a commitment to them.

5.            Courage - Bravery. The willingness to put one's beliefs into practice, the capacity to meet danger without giving way to fear. To face difficulty or danger and express your beliefs even if you are afraid.

6.            Adaptability - The ability and willingness to change. To put oneself in harmony with changed circumstances. To be ready and willing to adjust as necessary to the changes in people and circumstances that arise in daily life.

7.            Respect - Regard, value, admire, appreciate. Special esteem or consideration in which one holds another person or thing. To show regard for yourself, others, and the world around you.

8.            Contemplation - Giving serious consideration to something. To think things through with proper care before taking action.

9.            Initiative - Eagerness to do something. To take responsible action on your own, without prompting from others.

10.        Optimism - Positive beliefs. The inclination to take a hopeful view or think that all will work out for the best. To strive to be positive in your beliefs about yourself, others, and the future.

11.        Perseverance - Hard work. The quality of trying hard and continuously in spite of obstacles and difficulties.

12.      Trustworthiness - Reliability. Dependable, deserving of trust and confidence.

Important People - Authors upon whose work much of what has been included in EVOC 501 has evolved. Refer to EVOC 501 Recommended Readings and follow links to for information about each author.

The information you present about each author should include at least the title of the book (or books) written by the author that you believe to be most significant.

1.     Blanchard & JohnsonThe one minute manager, a required book for this class, and an outstanding piece of work, applicable to workplace and schoolroom alike. 

  1. Canter, LeeAuthor of “Assertive Discipline: Positive Behavior management for today’s classroom.”  I read through the first few pages of this book on the website.  It looks like a fine piece of work by someone who has had first hand experience in dealing with discipline in the classroom.  He also wrote “Lee Canter's Assertive Discipline for Parents” which got five stars from most parents who read the book.
  2. Covey, StevenCovey’s book, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” is really his flagship product.  His other books are pretty much spin-offs from this book which has sold 10 million copies.
  3. Fulghum, Robert“True Love”!  I’ve no doubt his book  All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten” is his best known book, but this one looks like a rare piece of work!
  4. Glasser, William“The Quality School Teacher”.  The subject of this book goes along with my belief that individuals, in this case teachers, make a difference one at a time.  This is a more realistic goal than trying to change an entire system, as in “Schools without Failure”.
  5. Hunter, Madeline“Mastery Teaching: Increasing instructional effectiveness in elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities”.  This lady wrote a long list of related books along similar lines.  But this one looks like it combines the various subjects into one volume.
  6. Mager, Robert“Analyzing Performance Problems: You really oughta wanta.”  This guy looks like an expert on evaluation methods and this book looks like it would be his most applicable volume.
  7. Maslow, AbrahamToward a Psychology of Being”.  Abraham Maslow wrote some way out stuff, which many psychologists think is wonderful.  Myself, I find it baffling and what little I have attempted to understand has never captivated my interest enough to pursue it.  In other words, given the opportunity I would avoid reading anything this guy wrote.
  8. Millman, Dan“Everyday Enlightenment: The Twelve Gateways to Personal Growth” looks to be the flagship of this man’s writing.  As a fundamental Christian, stuff that bears the mark of eastern religion gives me the creeps and this man’s stuff has that look to it.  For that reason I would probably avoid it.

10.      Plumb, Charlie“I’m no hero” appears to be the only book this man wrote, about his experience as a POW in Vietnam, but based on the reader’s reviews, it looks like a worthwhile book.

11.      Thompson, George“Verbal Judo”, required reading for our class.  This book is a classic.  I would be interested in reading his other books, though they appear to be similar in nature.